A few days ago a client asked me if I can convert ATF (Adobe Texture Format) to PNG images. Knowing that ATF files are used by some Starling developers when developing games and applications with Adobe Air, I knew that I could build a tool that will load the graphic, add it to the stage, then basically, take a screenshot of the entire stage and save it as a PNG image file. It took a a few hours to get the final application done. I’ve made it available for download in case anyone else needs to convert ATF to PNG (with transparency).
Found 3 tags for: Convert
Today I found myself needing to implement AlivePDF into a project that needs to generate a PDF, save it on the server and download it to the user’s computer.
Since I didn’t find any information about how to do this (and I found some other people trying to find out how it’s done) I thought I should give it a try. I posted the final result below if someone else needs to know how to both save the PDF file on the server and download it to the user’s computer.
ActionScript 3 AlivePDF code:
_pdf.save(Method.REMOTE, "save.php", Download.ATTACHMENT, "MyFile.pdf"); |
PHP code that will save the file on the server (inside a specified folder) and save it to the user’s computer too:
<?php if(isset($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"])){ $pdf = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; $name = $_GET["name"]; $save_to = "pdf/". $name; file_put_contents($save_to, $pdf); // add headers for download dialog-box header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Length: '.strlen($pdf)); header('Content-disposition:'.$method.'; filename="'.$name.'"'); echo $pdf; } else{ echo "Encoded PDF information not received."; } ?> |
Today I’m sharing simple utility that I use from time to time when I need to convert time (see what I did there? 😀 )
It’s very useful if you build a FLV player for example, and want to convert the time into minutes:seconds
Example of how to apply it to your project:
import com.vamapaull.utils.TimeUtil; time.text = TimeUtil.getTimecode(timeValue); |
The ActionScript class:
package com.vamapaull.utils { public class TimeUtil { public static function getTimecode(value:Number):String { var t:Number = Math.round(value), min:Number = Math.floor(t/60), sec:Number = t%60, tc:String = ""; if(min < 10) tc += "0"; if(min >= 1) { if (isNaN(min) == true) tc += "0"; else tc += min.toString(); } else tc += "0"; tc += ":"; if(sec < 10) { tc += "0"; if (isNaN(sec) == true) tc += "0"; else tc += sec.toString(); } else { if (isNaN(sec) == true) tc += "0"; else tc += sec.toString(); } return tc; } } } |