A simple utility class that will help you convert a color value (from numbers) to hexadecimal color value.

Basically you can convert the color value to hex string with colorNumber.toString(16);
Now, if you have this shade of blue “13311”, for example, it will be converted to “33ff”.

You can fix that with while(hexColor.length < 6) and add “0” to in front of the hex color output.

The final code will look something like this:

var hexColor:String = number.toString(16);
while(hexColor.length < 6)
    hexColor = "0" + hexColor;

The entire class is below. You can copy it and use it as you wish.

package com.vamapaull.utils
	public class ColorToHexadecimal
		public static function convertToHexString(number:Number):String
			var hexColor:String = number.toString(16);
			while(hexColor.length < 6)
				hexColor = "0" + hexColor;
			return hexColor;