Skyscraper Building – A fun and simple game

In the past few weeks I’ve been working on a fun and simple game with the objective to build a Skyscraper Building as high as you can. You have to place each block on top of the previous one and try to position it perfectly with the one before. The part that remains outside will break and the block will get smaller and smaller each time it’s not positioned perfectly.

Skyscraper Building

The game is now available on iOS, Android and also online as a Flash game.

The new Greetings Island design is here

This weekend released the new and beautifully designed website. With the new design of the website we also updated the design of the Flash applications and added a few more features for a better user experience.

Please check it out and keep in mind that I didn’t have anything to to with the actual design, I just developed the Flash applications and implemented the design elements afterwards.

Book Creator For Kids

Update: At the beginning of this year, the client requested a few new features and a some features removed. Above you have a screen shot of the new app and below you can find an image with the old interface.

Lately I’ve been absent because I have been working on a cool Book Creator Flash application.

This project was a new experience for me since I got to work with Flash and server-side code.

The application is made for kids between the ages of 8 and 12 years.

It’s a Book Creator type of app that lets you configure a simple book. You can then print the book to your local printer or save on your profile.

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Greetings Card Flash Application

I have worked on this application for a few months and now I see it’s finally implemented into

The project was for two Flash applications, Cards and Invitations, both very similar with very few different features.

It lets you make your own greeting card and invitation design. It’s great looking and easy to use, especially for kids. After you’ve made the perfect greeting, you can either print it on your home printer or save it as a PDF file.

The development itself was demanding and very rewarding, as I got to use techniques like singleton pattern, I’ve used the Facebook API to retrieve photos from Facebook albums and I’ve learned some new coding styles from my friend Biro Barna.

Go on, check it out and let me know if you like it 😉

Convert values within a range to values within another range

Today I’m sharing with you a little utility that I find myself using a lot lately. This utility is a value convertor that you can use in those times when you need to make a volume slider or something similar where you’ll need to change a value and a value range.

package com.vamapaull.utils
	public class ValueConvertor
		public static function convertRange(originalStart:Number, 
			var originalRange:Number = originalEnd - originalStart;
			var newRange:Number = newEnd - newStart;
			var ratio:Number = newRange / originalRange;
			var newValue:Number = value * ratio;
			var finalValue:Number = newValue + newStart;
			return finalValue;
Control a Flash Game with your iPhone

Some programmers from Germany developed a great Flash game that uses your iPhone/iPod Touch to control the game actions.

The concept is very interesting and I could see this being applied on lots of old-school arcade games that are ported to Flash.

After learning about WebSockets we were eager to build a website around this technology. As we are a bunch of oldschool nerds it was obvious to transform the iPhone into a gamepad controlling a Flash Website.
